Wednesday 23 March 2011

New Front Cover

This is the new front cover for my music magazine, following the feedback from earlier on:

I have tried to include all the things that I was told to improve on. Firstly there is the image. I have completely changed the picture to one that contained a natural background as it meant I wouldn't have the trouble of finding a colour to be put as a background and having to cut out the picture; something which didn't go well before. The image also looks more natural and relaxed which is how I wanted to present 'Alice' in the first place.

The colour scheme has changed as well, to fit in with some of the colours that are in the image. I chose red, yellow, black and white as they are colours that can be associated with Pop and they are relevant to the target audience's age as they suggest youthfulness.

To make the main part of the text stand out, I put the word 'INTRODUCING' into two circles of red and yellow, which automatically draws the eye which would make the reader pick up the magazine. I then put Alice's name into a different text to make that stand out from the rest of the page and to show that it is the main article of the issue.

At the top and bottom of the page are banners with Pop artists names in them. This is something that I had seen in other magazines and thought it would be relevant for mine as it was an opportunity to show who else is in the magazine without having lots of text, and adding variation to the page.

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