Thursday 3 March 2011

Front Cover picture.

For my front cover of my magazine, I chose this picture:

I thought it had a gamourous look to it, yet at the same time, the model looked like she was a fun person, who had a playful side to her, something which i wanted to show in my DPS. As she is looking into the camera, it also means that when on the front cover, the reader will connect with her, as it would feel like she was looking at you. This is an important quality for a picture, I believe, as if the reader feels a connection with the front cover 'star' then they are likely to buy the magazine.

This is the same picture, but it has been edited in order for it to look right on the front cover. I have taken the background of the original image off, as it looked grey and boring. The picture can now be adapted for any background colour.

In the end, I decided to add a background colour to my picture to make it easier for the background of the front cover. I chose pale blue, as it is a colour that could appeal to both boys and girls and so hitting the criteria of my magazine.

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