Wednesday 23 March 2011

Final Contents page

This is my contents page for my music magazine:

The first thing you notice is the blocks of colour which are used to divide up the articles into groups, something done in other magazines. The colours used continue the theme that was created on the front cover, and so links the two together. However, they also make the page eye-catching as it is something a bit different.

I have included the masthead at the top of the page as another way to link the two pages together, again something that is present in other magazines.

The fonts from the masthead are present on this page, with the word 'Contents' is the same font as the word 'Pop' and the other headings ('On the cover', 'Weekly' and 'Features') are in the same font as the word 'tastic'. This adds continuity but I also used them because I thought they suited the parts they were used for. Also the font for the rest of the text is the same as that on the front cover as it is relevant to the target audience.

I only used one image on the page as it is something that is done in the other magazines I have researched. It also shows that the image is related to my main article and so again links the pages together.

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