Thursday 6 January 2011

Contents page analysis: Smash Hits.

Here is the contents from Smash Hits, Lady Gaga special edition.

1. Like the contents page of the X Magazine, the contents page has an editors letter which lets the audience know why they have chosen to create a special magazine that is dedicated to one person in the music world- Lady Gaga. The language used is slightly informal yet it has an older tone to it, which suggests that the target audience for this magazine is older teens, like the original Smash Hits.
2. The page shows four images that relate to Lady Gaga, such as her in crazy outfits and other artists who 'want to be like her'. However the images are grouped together at the top of the page, which seems slightly box-like and makes the page seem really structured.
3. Unlike the X Magazine, the articles in the magazine are just listed in page order. This is because the magazine is dedicated to one person and so the reader doesn't really need to find certain sections of the magazine. However the articles are listed so that the reader can find out what sort of things are mentioned in relation to the artist.
4. The contents page doesn't feature a logo like the X Magazine and so the audience only know what magazine they are reading from the title.
5. The page has a slight variation in fonts yet they give a clue to the target audience, as the fonts are sophisticated and sort of normal and so you assume the target audience is older teenagers e.g. 15-19 year olds. The titles of the articles are all in capitals so that they stand out against the smaller print.

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