Thursday 27 January 2011

Contents page analysis, Women's lifestyle magazine: Glamour.

Glamour is a women's glossy lifestyle magazine, aimed at women aged 18-34 who have a passion mainly for fashion and beauty. Mission statement:

"Glamour is a magazine that translates style and trends for the real lives of American women. Our award-winning editorial covers the most pressing interests of our 12.4 million readers: from beauty, fashion and health to politics, Hollywood and relationships. We’re often optimistic, always inclusive, beyond empowering and can always separate the Dos from the Don’ts.
Our readers live for fashion, live for beauty and most of all, live for Glamour."

The contents page of this magazine is spread across two pages, meaning that the page can feature larger pictures and can spread out the text on the page making it easier to read.

Firstly the page only really contains one large and dominant image on the first page, that relates to one of the articles in the magazine. Although on the second page it may look like their are other images, these are with regards to a competition, and so are not relevant to the contents pages. This one image, however suggests that this article, which happens to be a fashion shoot, is the most important in the magazine. As it is a fashion based article and the mission statement states that their readers "live for fashion", it makes sense that this image is the main one. Yet there are no images relating to the front cover, which you would assume to be the main article in the magazine. The use of one image is very unusual for a contents page, yet it does mean that the reader can get a sense of what the magazine classes as important easily as well as making the page look less cluttered and more structured.

The page doesn't show a logo, but at the top of the first page 'Glamour' is present, in a large font and in bright colours making it stand out on the white background of the page. The bright colours also give the page a fresh and cheerful feel to it as they are reds, oranges and yellows; which is fitting for a 'new season'. The title is also present on the other page but slightly smaller as it isn't the main contents page. 'Glamour' is all in capital letters giving it a bold look about it, which also goes with the colour scheme.

Underneath the title is the website address ( and the issue date (February 2011). These two are in black and are in a font which gives the text a slight edge. Again this is present underneath the title on contents page two which provides continuity for the magazine.

The articles are separated in sections like in most magazines, meaning that the reader can find articles easily as well as giving the page a structure. The section titles are in the colours of the the title: so the colour of one section is the colour of one of the letters of the title. Again this provides continuity for the readers across the two pages, as well as giving the page a splash of colour which makes the page more eye-catching.

The rest of the text on the page is in black and in a standard font such as Time New Roman, which means that the text doesn't stand out as much as the coloured text. The titles of each article are in bold though which does make them stand out more then the other bits of text, but the reader still has to read the page in order to find out what content is in the magazine. However the text on the large image, although follows the same pattern as the others, is larger making it easier to see and read.

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