Thursday 6 January 2011

Analysis of a Double Page Spread: Smash Hits.

This is a DPS from the special edition Smash Hits which is entirely focused on Lady Gaga.
First of all you notice that the article is in black and white (apart from certain aspects) along with a mock masthead titled 'Smash Hits Daily'. This gives the article the impression that it is from a newspaper as what is discussed in the article is the sort of thing that would be in a tabloid newspaper. It also makes the article more interesting to look at and so people are more likely to read it.
However the use of red for quotes and other text, means that it stands out on the page, making it eye-catching to the audience. This means that the reader is more likely to read the article. Also the colour gives the article an interest, as just black and white can be boring for the reader, whilst showing what are the important quotes and points if the articles. This red is also the colour from the masthead on the front cover, showing a continutiy in the magazine.
The images show all have a paparazzi feel to them which again fits in with the whole tabloid newspaper feel to the article. As the images are all 'pap-like', however it means that there are no staged and glamourous images and Lady Gaga is shown to look less like a 'superstar' and more normal. Readers can relate more to the normal Lady Gaga and so are more likely to read the article. Also readers are going to want to delve into the life of Lady Gaga, and so with images like these, the article seems to promise information that the readers want.
The title and the sub-titles of the article are all in capital letters meaning that they stand out on the page, with the sub-titles ending with an exclamation mark to make the statement seem even more important, and drawing the reader in. They are also in bold, which again makes them stand out on the page as well as making them seem important in the article. The font used has a bold and edgy feel to it, adding to the tone of the article.

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