Thursday 6 January 2011

Analysis of a Double Page Spread: X Magazine.

This image of this DPS is from the fashion part of the X Magazine.

As it is focusing on fashion, there are more images on the page than text, and as you can see, there are six large images with six smaller pictures which complement each other. As the focus of this particular page is of everyday people and their fashion choices, it makes sense that they are the larger images. This also means that the reader is drawn to them more and so they will take note of what ordinary people aspire to dress like, which is the point of the magazine. The purpose of the magazine is to make women aspire to be like certain celebrities and this is achieved in this article but putting the music style icons for each person at the bottom of the page. Again this means that the reader focuses on the larger images instead of the smaller, as everyday we see what the famous style icons wear.

The title of this article is simple: 'Your Pop Style Liverpool'. The use of the word 'pop' means that the music element of the magazine is included into the article, and it also makes the title sound more feminine. 'Liverpool' is included to let the reader know where these particular group of people live and it also give the impression that this is a continuous thing; every issue of the magazine shows that same page but with people from a different place each time. This will make the reader intrested in the article and the magazine itself and so are more likely to continue buying it.

Although the page doesn't contain the X Magazine logo, it does include the 'logo' for the section which is show on the contents page: 'Style File'. This lets the reader know what section of the magazine they are reading without having to read the article itself.

The page itself has a very feminine feel to it, which is fitting for the topic of the article. This is achieved by the use of colour and font in particular. The title is in italics which gives it the stylish look it needs, with the black and pink writing making it seem feminine. Also as the title isn't in bold which means it doesn't stand out as much and makes the whole title look like something that a female would write in the first place. As the background is in white, the pink of the title along with the other parts of pink writing show up and adds to this feminine feel.

As already mentioned, there is more images than text on this DPS, however the text that is present explains to the reader, why this person chooses to dress like the music icon they have chosen. The language is informal and casual as it is what the person is saying and so can be related to more by the reader.

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