Monday 27 December 2010

My Mastheads.

Below are two rough sketches of my potential mastheads. These are my initial ideas, and they were mainly used to see if the title looks right and get down any first ideas with fonts and colours and so in time, they are subject to change.

This was my first attempt of a masthead. I thought that just the world POP would be effective as a title, as it got the genre of the magazine across straight away. However as they is already a magazine named Pop, I am unable to use it. I thought the font as being almost like bubble writing with a really big outline in black to make the colours stand out more, so something like the TOTP or Smash Hits mastheads. The font may have to change slightly in order to make it appeal to both genders, as this rounded bubble writing has a female feel to it. The colours used are not the colours that would be used, as they are very feminine.

This is my second draft. As you can see I have changed the title slightly, to include the tastic bit at the end. The Pop bit will stay the same as before with the word tastic in italics and a bold black like the outline of the word pop. Again the colours used here are not necessarily the colours that will be used in the end and they would have to be a lot brighter, to get across the pop effect.

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