Tuesday 14 December 2010

Anaylsis of mastheads: Top Of The Pops.

Top Of The Pops is a music magazine that is aimed more at younger teenage girls, ages 9-13, who have an interest in the current popular music.

The wording- 'Top Of The Pops', tells you straight away what sort of music the magazine is focused and it also tells the audience that it is only the 'Top' of the pop charts that would be shown. This is because the music at the top of the charts is more likely to be the music that the audience would be into.

The masthead reinforces this due to the use of colour and the type of font. The font is like bubble writing, which is a popular type of font used by younger teenagers, and so it automatically attracts itself to the right audience. Also the title is in lower case, which again is relevant to the age group. However it is the use of colour that makes it distinctive to female teenagers. Yellow and pink are very girly colours- pink in particular. This means that automatically you can tell what gender this magazine is for. Also the brightness of the colours, again shows what age group the magazine is for. The colours aren't subtle or sophisticated, and you wouldn't find them on a women's glossy such as Marie Claire. The colours are too bright for this, yet they are the sort of colours that young girls would chose themselves.

My masthead will involve the same sort of colours used in the TOTP masthead, however they will be relevant to both genders such as greens and reds.

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