Thursday 11 November 2010

Pre-lim task: A school magazine front cover.

This is my preliminary task of a school magazine front cover. I chose to focus on the younger years of the school-years 7 to 9- as i felt that they would be the age group that would be most interested in what was happening in and around school. The magazine would contain information on school events, new staff and anything else that KS3 students would need to know about school life.
The central dominant image is of our new headteacher as I believed it was fitting as a 'new issue' along with 'new students' and would be relevant for a school magazine.
The colour scheme used is the school colours as this re-enforces the objective of the magazine and makes it relevant for the school that would be producing them.

With an article asking for the students opinions means that the readers get involved with the magazine and so are more likely to buy it, creating a profit.
In all, the front cover really re-enforces this message of it being a school magazine, and it also gives the impression of it being for the younger students.

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