Thursday 11 November 2010

An Introduction.

My name is Hannah Gordon and this is my blog for Media AS course, 2010.
My coursework this year is based on a music magazine, and so we, individually, are making our own. My idea is of a Pop music mag with a target audience of students of both genders aged 16-20 with an interest in the current Pop charts and artists. The magazine will feature the current charts along with reviews of album's, artists and concerts.
I chose this genre of music magazine after looking at the music magazine market and establishing that there was a place in it for this sort of magazine, as the only other competition would be the new X Magazine (X Factor) which also features elements of fashion and gossip. My magazine will solely be about the music.
The frequency would be weekly, as that means that the magazine can feature the current charts and be constantly up-to-date with whatever would be happening in the music world.
And so it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the blog for the up and coming:


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