Thursday 27 January 2011

Content page analysis, Mens lifestyle magazine: FHM.

FHM is a men's lifestyle magazine that is owned by Bauer Media. The magazine focuses on content like fashion, cars, sport and women as well as other things that are present in a mans life, and is the biggest men's lifestyle magazine and media brand in the country. Audience profile:

"Men, aged 18-35. FHM is broad in its appeal, and has a wide range of readers and users, typified by mid-twenties ‘work hard, play hard’ guys. In the early stages of their careers and with an eye to the future, FHM readers are typically professionals, office workers, and university-educated. They may be dating or living with a girlfriend, but they still take holidays with their mates. With good incomes and few financial commitments, these are high-value consumers, eager to invest in fashion, grooming, gadgets, travel and cars."

Like Glamour magazine, the contents page is across two pages, which means that the content of the page can be spread out and more images can be used to show a visual means of letting the readers know what is shown in the magazine. However the first contents page shows and elaborates on the articles show on the front cover. Underneath each title on this page, there is a brief-ish description of what the article is about, which is unusual for a contents page, as they usually just give a title with a line underneath. As these articles are the ones on the front cover, they have some importance to the specific issue, and so they have a description to let the reader what is so important about the articles and to make the reader read on. On the other page though, there are all the other articles in page order without the brief descriptions like the other page. They are split up into sections, and each section has a description underneath of what each section is about.
On the first page, there are eight images present, but five or six of them are just small images of each DPS that is talked about on the page. This means that is is easy for the reader to relate the article to the image on the contents page, and it means that the magazine didn't have to get more images to show the content of the same articles. On the next page, there is just one dominant image that takes up nearly the whole page, apart from a small panel along the left-hand side. This image is of the 'December Girlfriend' and shows the other side to FHM; the women. As this is the only image on this page, it gives the article itself importance.

The contents pages are really structured, with the articles in page order on the left-hand side and the images all on the right. This is a continuity thing as it is present in all the FHM magazines and it makes the page easier to read as you know all the text is in a certain place.

The pages don't contain a logo or the title of the magazine to remind readers of what they are reading, but at the top of the page is the word 'contents' in capitals and in red. On the next page is the word 'regulars' in exactly the same style, just smaller. The use of capitals and a bold colour like red, make the words stand out on the white background so that the reader can see the title of the page easily. The red used is the red from the title, showing continuity in the magazine. Also the titles are boxed off making them separate from the rest of the page, which makes them stand out.

All the text is in black apart from the page numbers that are in red, making them stand out. The titles of each article are in bold and capitals, which lets the reader know that they are the titles. The rest of the text is ordinary looking meaning that it is easy to overlook, and so the reader actually has to read the page instead of just glance over it.

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